Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Beam me up

Recently I was told about a new pink song. I like her and gave it a listen. It's very clear to me that its about loss and having a minute with that person in heaven. She says she wouldn't know what to say if given that minute. I'm not exactly sure what loss she is speaking of- but I would imagine its about a child. I've been in conversations lately about what would be worse?! I'm not sure and could never answer but in the new year I made promises to myself that I would be more present. More present in my kids lives- whit's and my own.

I feel like so far I've been really successful at that- getting out of town for a night with whit, more park trips, February birthday month, more lunches with my kids and a genuine effort of putting everyone behind those four people in my life. I've also put God at the front of my alone time. Focusing on what he wants for my family and what path he wants me on. At first this felt weird and now I know it was what he wanted and I was resisting.

There is this hilarious cartoon I've caught on YouTube lately that was obviously made by a multiples mom. She is annoyed because someone says, "oh you have multiples, so you're done?!" Lol I love how people assume they know our lives. I've gotten good at this triplet thing. I could do one baby no sweat. Just sayin'.

Baby fever. I'll take my temp later and hopefully it's gone down. Too many blogs about new babies and I can smell them.

Have a good rest of the week everyone.

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