Friday, September 21, 2012


Today is day 9 of post surgery. I have the use of my hands, just not the strength. It's frustrating because I want to feed/bathe/unbuckle the babies-just can't with ease yet.

This weekend we are treating Gianna to a triplet-free weekend. Alissa and I have taken her for a girls weekend while Whit gets extra love from the boys. He misses her and I miss those boys but I have to admit- one baby allows you to see things more closely.

We took her out to dinner and we sat on the patio. Normally I follow a strict nap routine and I let all of that go. It's nice to just be carefree and let her be who she is and not shape her by the temperament of the three as a whole.

She listened, danced to the music, ate till her heart was content and went to bed almost two hours behind "schedule". She even squeezed in a cake ball.

To watch her shine as a little girl and see her as a single baby and not as the "triplets" is so beautiful and new to me. To see her eyes dance and hear her speak when normally she is reserved and in the boys' shadows- is shiny and special.

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