Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Multiple reasons for loving multiples

Yesterday was a tough one. I found myself in a downward spiral in the worst part of the day with three times the crying. Whit was still at work, Alissa was enjoying some time off and I was stupid for not calling someone for help. In my defense, I could not locate my phone.

We used to wake them at 4:00, feed them a snack and they would play until about 5:30 and wanted to cat nap until 8 then eat dinner. Lately we have been letting them sleep until 4:30, snack, play, walk(yes it's sweltering) pool if you have a helper and then dinner about 7, bed 8. This has been working but only because you have someone helping you walk through the InSanITY!

Alissa and I took them to the mall where they were unusually fussy then came home so she could get ready for dinner. I was alone for only about and hour and a half and you would have thought they plotted against me. They were all crying, all climbing all over me and all the unhappiest they have ever been. What?!

I kept thinking whit would be home any minute and that didn't happen. Eventually I realized it was 7 and time for dinner. I'm making their dinner an Riggs and GG are trucking into the kitchen after me screaming. Riggs has pulled a chair out and is pulling on it like a gorilla. Becker can't believe I'm not holding him and I begin to laugh because if I didn't I was going to cry.

I finally managed to feed all three dinner and change them. We attempted to play but eventually everyone made the bed-time walk. Whit walked in as I was walking the last baby back. I probably looked like a mad woman. I felt like a mad woman.

I went to my room, closed the door and took a breath. I was overwhelmed. I looked back at a text someone with multiples sent me recently. She just went on and on about how lucky we were. She has twins and a singleton. She talked about how yes, she was able to spend time alone with her single baby when he came but the time with the girls(twins) was something she could never explain to someone without multiples. The love. The life.

I thought about the joy I have received from them and even on the bad days I have multiple reasons to be glad. Even on the days I want to be alone and cry... This is my life and I love it.

More reasons why I love multiples:

The choo choo

Because they think it's funny to stand in their cribs and wake the other babies

Because gg can eat her Cheetos and theirs too

Because helmets will look cuter on three

Because I get three times the kisses every day

Because I prayed for three(not all at once but I guess he thought I could handle it)

Because multiples are my life


  1. I have twins and no nanny, my husband works from 1-11pm...I do everything alone...so be grateful for the help you have, and when you don't have any, don't have a pity party, you wanted these babies, you have had so much help that I can not believe you would complain about an hour and a half alone with them. Shame on you.

  2. I have days like that all the time. It seems like everything is fine one minute and the boys are fighting and Emma is crying. I also wanted my three but hey we are human and somedays it is a pitty party kinda day!!

  3. lol missy...2 month old twins--don't they sleep 20 hours a day? pshh...until you've sat alone with mobile, 12 months old triplets, you should think before you put your mouth or your opinion where it doesn't belong. Doesn't seem like a pity party to me...if i read it correctly, the title is 'Multiple Reasons for LOVING Multiples.' Shame on you.

  4. FYI my twins are almost 15 months and run all over...

  5. FYI BE...my twins are almost 15 months old...and run all over and have a ton of energy, and yet I still do it alone every day, playgrounds, the beach, grocery shopping, playdates...no nanny, or family, or helpers...

  6. Wow missy!!! Sorry for my false accusation, you're super-mom! I can't believe you do ALL of that on your own...you're a saint! And you still find time in your busy schedule to read and critique strangers' blogs! Don't know how you do it. Bless your heart.

  7. Totally agree with you Missy. You read my mind!!!!!
