Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What if • day 28

Friends change over the years. I used to think it was just how the stars lined up, or just how things were supposed to be. I now think you're who you're supposed to be with, when you are supposed to be.

Sounds confusing, but what I'm trying to say is the people who we fulfilled and who fulfilled us in grade school are different from what we need in college or in our adult lives. I think our needs change, therefore our friends change.

I think it's possible to outgrow people and what you once tolerate or make room for in your life-you don't anymore and what you give/get out of friendships also changes like waves. I also think as we grow, God's plans reveal themselves as if they were our own plans.

I think it's fun to notice who we knew in high-school but just weren't that close to and now we carry a friendship with them that is like none other. I knew a girl in high-school and we never hung out- now our friendship is strong and one I lean on everyday.

Oddly enough, she was pregnant when we grew the closest. I was struggling to have a baby and pushed everyone who was in "child-bearing" years far away- except KJ. She was understanding, listened to me go on and on and never got tired of my cant have a baby song. Libby is now two and Kristin is set to give birth any day to baby girl number two.

I'll never be able to share the deep meaning her friendship has meant to my life. She was there when I cried through failed cycles, hoping the next cycle would be a success and on my couch the week I brought home my triplets. She spent the night so we could sleep and was never the friend that said "call me and let me know what I can do-"-she just did it.

We had lunch last week and with both of our busy work schedules- this was a much needed catch up session. She poured out her final thoughts on being pregnant and I offered as much advice on being a mom to more than one kid that I could. She seemed joyful to bring another sweet baby into the world and sad to be saying good-bye to the days of spending all of her time with Libby. Her family would be a family of four in just a week. Say prayers for an easy birth and that baby C makes her entrance sooner, rather than later ;)

So as the days near to the birth of her little girl, I ask myself what if our friendship didn't wait until I needed it most? Kj, I'm so very thankful to have you in my life.... At just the right time.

1 comment:

  1. Love you! Ofcourse I cried...pregnancy hormones! And so glad I was with you on your journey and thankful you have been there through mine. And like you said, we are friends at just the right time and I'm so glad you didn't push me away!
