Saturday, February 4, 2012

What if • day 1

Its my birthday, so today i've been thinking a lot about life and how we've come to where we are. I was at the zoo today with the babies and it occurred to me that our lives could be drastically different. Not my same old cliche story that you've heard me tell a thousand times about finally getting pregnant- but the dark other side of what if all that didn't happen? what of all of this didn't happen?

What If God wasn't at the forefront of our lives? What if he wasn't in control? What if we didn't put our problems in his hands? What if we didn't get on our knees and beg him for mercy? What if?

I've decided I need to focus on what is good in my life by looking at 30 what if's. A fellow blogger once said "there is a reason for everyone to be unhappy. There is a reason for everyone to be happy. What's your focus?"

Here. We. Go.

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