Friday, February 3, 2012

2011 in photos day 31

As I write my final recap post of 2011 I am gushing with simple thoughts.

Feelings of being whole
Sadness of the blur of time
Glad one more successful Barkin Ball is under my belt
Happy for a love that whit and I share that most people only dream of
Overwhelmed because we have a lot on our plates
Humbled that God gave me this task and sent us on this journey.
Teary over the person I had become before these three eggs stuck
Amazed at the struggles a marriage can withstand if God is involved
Joyful that tomorrow is my birthday and nothing seems as exciting as spending the day with them
Delighted that you take the time to read and relive my moments with me through this blog

Happy 2012 everyone. Ours is already starting out to be amazing. Pray for knowledge for my family and strength to grow. Pray for guidance for me and whit as we shape these three little lives.

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