Well I hate to start bragging and then the bottom fall out but here goes.....the triplets have been sleeping from about midnight until 7:45am for a week now. I still cannot believe it. I know this will all change once we start teething, but it sure is nice to get a full nights sleep several nights in a row. We are fortunate to have people round the clock feeding and helping us with the babies and some have even spent the night so we can get a 5 hour stretch when we were doing the 3 hour feeds....but there is nothing like getting a 7 hour stretch and not having to impose on anyone to get it!!!
Im looking forward to the weekend as Whit will be off two days in a row. WHAT?! That never happens.....He has been working until 8 a lot and our schedule is hard. I don't know what I would do without Alissa and my family and friends. We have lots of plans. Some with the babies like going to a friends for a BBQ pool party and some without like a day with some girlfriends. While I welcome the breaks with friends, I am always VERY ready to hold them in my arms when I get home.
Time really does fly. I was talking to my friend Julia and looking at some pics of her twins. Made me sad. Seems like yesterday we were on that fertility train cheering each other on...and now we are in the throws of motherhood. Her babies are a few weeks ahead of mine..but when I see them in toys that are steps ahead of ours I keep thinking..no, no, not yet...no johnny jump up, no excersaucer.
Our construction is completed and now I can't imagine the house without all of the changes. Triplets and the old layout would never have worked! We are looking forward to cooler weather and the Fall. I'm looking forward to the holidays with the babies. Is there ever enough time? I wish I could freeze frame time for sure....no one make a move!
For now, life is perfect. Better than I ever imagined it to be.
LOVE those pictures!