Thursday, August 25, 2011

No water and triplets

I have to laugh to keep from crying. A pipe burst under our house and we have no water! This would normally be okay with just us..but we have babies...three babies!!!!! This makes life very difficult while working, managing the day to days and having to go next door to my aunts for showering!

As far as our schedule...its perfect for the most part. We run a tight ship. I think you have to with mulitples or you are in for real trouble. They eat at 8,11, 2 and 5(start getting ready 30 mins early) with playtime for 20 minutes after each feed. After the 11pm feed they go down and do not wake until around 4. Sometimes as late as 6. Sometimes I think we are teetering on being able to skip that feed and feed at the 7:30. Ha, but just when I think that, Becker proves me wrong and decides he would like to eat at 4, exactly at 4, not 4:15. Whit and I both do the night feeds and most of the time my aunt walks over to help. I just text her and if she's up...she helps..this is huge since it cuts the time by 15 minutes and allows us to grab that last hour of shut eye before getting ready for work.

I work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I love this schedule. I think in order for me to be a happy/healthy mom, I need to have my work identity. I love what I do and while its nice to be home with them for four days, the three I go to work are welcomed by the time Tuesday rolls around.

Alissa is our nanny. We absolutely love her. We could have never asked for a better fit. She moved in last week and we are thrilled beyond words to have her. She has a quirky sense of humor that I love and loves my family...which is huge.

I'm not sure if all mothers still have to pinch themselves, but I certainly do. I can't believe we went from this....
 to this.......
 to this......
to these three precious angels.

God is good.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have THREE babies!!!!

I know this should have hit me months ago, but this morning I realized all over again that we did it! We asked him for babies and he GAVE US THREE! I am blessed beyond words and feel like I could scream on my porch that he does answer prayers and those three sweet babies are living proof. We have been asked to be the ambassadors of the March of Dimes event in November- what an honor.

Look at this proud daddy :)

he looks like a green bean doesn't he?!

one of our precious nicu nurses. These girls made the bad days good and the good days better. Some of them friends before and some new...but each friendship has proven to be genuine and dear.

now here is an amazing man that truely is in his chosen profession...he is a miracle worker..we love dr. wheeler....

cry baby becker is not happy...this was his first week home and he was not happy about his reunion

sneak peek at their photo shoot......charla holmes spent an entire afternoon with our babes..she is AHmazing. Check her

More updates to come you guys....glad to be back at work and into a routine....
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